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作者:雯梦2020-12-19 20:03:16264


  On Sunday, we went to the grave. At the foot of the mountain, I saw rows of low trees. I cant help but wonder, what kind of tree is this, mom?

  妈妈说:这是茶叶树,你要摘茶叶的话就要摘它的头,是两片小叶中的芽。我 就拿了袋子采起茶叶来了。我小心地摘下一片片茶叶,不一会儿我就摘了许多。

  Mother said: this is the tea tree. If you want to pick tea, you need to pick its head. Its the bud in two small leaves. I took the bag and picked up the tea. I carefully picked a piece of tea, soon I picked a lot.


  When we got home, my mother and I took the pot and fried the tea. After that, we soaked it for Dad to drink, and said, this is the tea that I picked by myself. Have a drink. Dad took a drink and said, its so fragrant! I smiled happily.


  编辑特别推荐: 茶叶爸爸, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!

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