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作者:灵媛2020-12-19 20:02:42738

  元宵节的晚上,我和几个小伙伴在妈妈和阿姨们的带领下去沁水河公园看花灯。到了那里,呵,人真多啊,热闹非凡。花灯一个比一个漂亮,有一个上面写着蛇年大吉,还有一个花灯是一个个小 房子,非常漂亮,还闪闪发光呢!晚上七点开始放烟花了,烟花五彩缤纷,在空中漫天飞舞,时而像个大火球,时而像盛开的花朵,别提有多漂亮了,看得我简直是眼花缭乱。在回去的路上,我和几个 小伙伴每个人都买了一朵发光的花朵,这真是一个难忘的元宵节啊!

  On the night of the Lantern Festival, I went down to Qinshuihe park to watch the lanterns with my little friends under the guidance of my mother and aunts. When I got there, ah, there were so many people. It was very busy. The lanterns are more beautiful one by one. One of them says good luck in the year of snake. The other is small houses. They are very beautiful and glittering! At seven oclock in the evening, the fireworks began to set off. They were colorful, flying all over the sky, sometimes like a big fireball, sometimes like blooming flowers. I was dazzled at the sight, not to mention how beautiful they were. On the way back, I and a few friends each bought a luminous flower, which is really an unforgettable Lantern Festival!


  编辑特别推荐: 花灯沁水, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!

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