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作者:露家2020-12-19 20:17:11113


  Lottery Does More Good than Harm

  Nowadays, lottery is no longer a strange term to most Chinese. Some people buy national welfare lottery, sports lottery and soccer lottery from time to time. Though the chance of winning a fortune is very slim, buyers still go for it, because apart from grand prizes, lottery means something more, to the individuals and society alike.

  On the one hand, lottery raises funds for public causes. For instance, billions of dollars are collected by welfare lottery each year, and go into the social security system in aiding the old, the poor, the disabled, and the orphaned. Therefore, lottery does not only benefit several lucky dogs, but more importantly, the country as a whole. And on the other hand, buying lottery is fun for the individuals. The public appreciates the high odds against them, which makes lottery a kind of game.

  Nevertheless, some people suspect that lottery leads to a gambling psychology. Indeed, some people may get addicted, or stay idle for easy money. Luckily, they only constitute the minority. After all, lottery does more good than harm as long as it is dealt with properly. (185 words)


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