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作者:菡芳2020-12-19 20:03:31190


  On Friday, our class cleaned up for the first time. Some of the students brush the commons, some brush the floor under their feet, and others brush the corridors and tiles.

  我分配到的任务是刷自己的桌子和脚下的地板。我先让同桌去提一桶水。然后,我把洗衣粉倒在桌子和地板上。接着,我用刷子蘸了点水刷起污垢来。地板可脏了,我蹲下身,使出九牛二虎之力,使劲 地刷,不一会儿就觉得腰酸腿疼,但是我还是坚持住了。

  My assignment was to brush my desk and the floor under my feet. Ill ask my deskmate to carry a bucket of water first. Then I pour the washing powder on the table and the floor. Then I dipped a little water in the brush to brush up the dirt. The floor was dirty. I squatted down and tried to brush with the force of nine oxen and two tigers. After a while, I felt pain in my back and legs, but I persisted.


  In this way, I finally polished the floor, and I was exhausted. After this cleaning, I know that it is not easy to clean up.


  编辑特别推荐: 地板公地, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!

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